History becomes alive through the written word. It is in this spirit that the NBYO has commissioned a special essay to commemorate Canada's 150th birthday. Through poetry and prose, this work will mark this special moment in our history by reflecting on the role art has played in shaping our culture.
Herménégilde Chiasson

Herménégilde Chiasson

An artist, poet, playwright, film director and former lieutenant-governor of New Brunswick, Herménégilde Chiasson has dedicated his life to celebrating his Acadian roots through art. He is an Officer of the Order of Canada and Winner of the Governor General's Literary Award.

Chaisson has served many roles in advocating for arts and culture in New Brunswick. He was the Director of the Galerie d'art de L'Université de Moncton and served as president of Galerie Sans Nom. He has also founded several arts organizations, including the Aberdeen Co-operative and the Imago Workshop. For many years, Chiasson worked at Radio-Canada as a director, playwright and journalist and before retiring in 2003, and served as a member of the teaching staff at the Université de Moncton's fine arts department.

His essay for the OH Canada: A Young 150! embraces the concept that art is not only an expression of culture, but is a storyteller of our history.

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